For over a year now I have been seeing posts on my Facebook from people I know about this thing called Plexus. And I remember thinking why do I keep seeing this?
Then I stopped and actually looked at one of the posts one day. And this is what I saw.
Actual proof of something that has worked for her when nothing has ever worked. For years Kathi has tried to lose weight. On top of trying to lose weight she had some health issues that kept her from doing things she enjoyed. She was miserable for years.
Until she started taking Plexus! So I asked her, "How has your life changed?"
And here is what she told me:
"Since I started taking Plexus:
1. The terrible discomfort in my abdomen where my ribs come
together that I have lived with for over 25 years was gone after 3 days of
Plexus Slim!
2. No more heartburn. I have taken prescription heartburn
meds since 1990. I don’t take any prescriptions anymore.
3. My muscles hurt since the
1980s, that is gone!
4. I no longer have crunchy knees. They don’t make noise
going up and down stairs. Also they don’t hurt like they did so I don’t avoid
stairs anymore.
5. I am no longer exhausted. I wake up refreshed with energy
every day.
6. I sleep soundly all night. No more tossing and turning
all night because I hurt sooooo much.
7. I have lost over 30 lbs and over 23 inches.
8. I no longer wear a size 18. I am in a 12!

9. My hair no longer falls out by the handful.
10. The gray in my hair is almost gone. I have been coloring
my hair for 15 years due to gray and now I’m not coloring it anymore.
11. My hair has grown
2 inches longer than it has in years. It used to only grow to my bra strap, now
it’s to my waist.
12. My nails are getting healthier. They have been cracked
and ugly and now they are looking much better. The cracking is much better too.
13. My skin issues are gone thanks to the wonderful body
cream. No more itchy flaky skin. No more bumpy arms.
14. I no longer have to cross my legs when I sneeze, cough,
or laugh, unless I really have to go already. I don’t have to wear pads anymore
for that reason either.
15. My sense of balance is almost back to normal. I don’t
feel like I’m going to fall over anymore.
16. My allergies are not as bad. They are not gone but sooo
much better. I rarely take allergy meds anymore.
17. I no longer have daily head discomfort that I had every
day since I was in 7th grade. I haven’t had any discomfort in over a year.
18. I no longer choke on air. I was having a real problem
with choking on nothing so bad that I couldn’t breathe. That has stopped.
19. My arms no longer have periods of heavy weakness. It was
very weird but it has stopped.
20. I no longer have bathroom issues. No more spending hours
in the bathroom in pain either going too much or not enough."
I was amazed to hear everything it helped her with. This is a person who not only was struggling with her weight but daily head discomfort and her body hurt so much she could barely walk. And now here she is going out and enjoying life like nothing was ever wrong.
I also asked her about her eating habits. I myself love sweets. But she takes her
Plexus Block before she has a sweet and it cuts down the sugars she takes in. Totally awesome! It's like a guilt free pill. Ever sine I have heard and seen everything it has helped her with, I have been telling anyone and everyone I think it might help.
If you would like to try Plexus (and I recommend you do)
Click here !
*I am not an affiliate or ambassador of Plexus, nor do I make any money if you decide to go healthy. These are my observations and opinions and I am posting because I think it would help people.
**These statements have not been evaluated by the Food &
Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or
prevent any disease.
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