I am sure most of you like having your clothes looking clean. And with babies and children, that can be hard to do since little ones like to stain clothing. I have seen all sorts of hacks, tips and tricks to get stains out. And honestly I have not tried any of them.
I get hand me downs a lot from my best friend since we both have boys alternating in age. After so many children, clothes can get pretty dingy. I am a very picky mom when it comes to what my kids are wearing, especially my baby.
And if you have ever had a baby you know, a blow out will eventually happen. Say you just fed your baby carrots and they have a bright orange blow out on their outfit. Unless it was a plain white outfit, you're not going to want to use bleach to get that out. I know some people who would throw it in the wash right away and pray that stain comes out only to find out after the load is done that it's still there.
That can be frustrating. My secret? Clorox 2 color safe bleach
. It has saved so many outfits from having to be thrown out. And the plus side to it is even if you dry the outfit, Clorox 2 color safe bleach
will still get the stain out.
Don't believe me?
I will show you proof of all I do is treat the outfit with Clorox 2 color safe bleach
and the outfit is like new again. *Warning baby blow images below.
Here are two outfits my little one made big messes in. When I treat anything, I usually do it in the bath tub so I have plenty of room and it won't be messed with.
My other secret to getting clothes looking like new again is when the washer is done, you check the outfit before you put it in the dryer. Putting it in the dryer will set the stain and even though Clorox 2 color safe bleach
can get it out, it makes for a longer job.
As you can see I pulled the outfit from the washer and this one while most of it was gone, still had a stain on it.
I treated it one more time with my Clorox 2 color safe bleach
and as you can see below, both outfits came out looking like new as if my baby never even wore them.
Don't believe me?
I will show you proof of all I do is treat the outfit with Clorox 2 color safe bleach
Here are two outfits my little one made big messes in. When I treat anything, I usually do it in the bath tub so I have plenty of room and it won't be messed with.
I add a little of the Clorox 2 color safe bleach
in the lid.
I then make sure to get every inch of the stain with it and I let it set for at least an hour.
My other secret to getting clothes looking like new again is when the washer is done, you check the outfit before you put it in the dryer. Putting it in the dryer will set the stain and even though Clorox 2 color safe bleach
As you can see I pulled the outfit from the washer and this one while most of it was gone, still had a stain on it.
I treated it one more time with my Clorox 2 color safe bleach
It truly is an outfit saver and I wouldn't recommend anything else. I have been about to keep clothes that were years old looking brand new because of it. It is important to me not only because my baby wears these items but once they are at the end of the hand me down line, I donate them to people who cannot afford them. I will not put my baby is nasty looking clothes and I will not donate them either. So being able to save them means a lot not only to me but the future owners as well.